Allegations of Misconduct

At MEER, we uphold the highest standards of research integrity and are committed to preventing the publication of misrepresented research. In accordance with the guidelines provided by the Council of Editors (COPE), research misconduct is broadly categorized into three actions: mistreatment of research subjects, falsification and fabrication of data, and piracy and plagiarism. Our journal strictly adheres to the COPE flowchart in addressing instances of research misconduct. We have comprehensive assurance policies for each component of research misconduct:

  • Mistreatment of Research Subjects
  • Falsification and Fabrication of Data
  • Piracy and Plagiarism


Protection of Animal Rights

MEER does not publish manuscripts that do not include a statement addressing the protection of animal rights. Authors are required to declare that their research has undergone review by an institutional review board. This statement should be included either in the material method section or the acknowledgment section of the manuscript. We encourage authors to provide the registry number of the council certification for transparency and accountability.


Falsification and Fabrication of Data

Fabrication involves the creation of data without actual collection or synthesis, while falsification entails manipulating research material to achieve a desired result. MEER actively identifies fabrication and falsification at every stage of manuscript processing, from initial screening to the comprehensive evaluation of revised manuscripts and even after publication. Reporting any instance of fabrication or falsification is considered an ethical duty for our authors, co-authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. In the event of fabrication or falsification, MEER reserves the right to retract or withdraw the affected article, following the COPE flowchart.



Plagiarism, the unauthorized use of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without proper credit, is strictly prohibited at MEER. Self-plagiarism, where an author duplicates their own work unnecessarily across different journals, is also discouraged. To ensure quality assurance, manuscripts with a text similarity of more than 20% will be returned to the author for correction to minimize the risk of plagiarism. MEER rigorously follows the COPE flowchart in addressing cases of plagiarism.


Our commitment to ethical standards and research integrity reflects MEER's dedication to publishing high-quality articles that contribute significantly to the advancement of medical sciences, pharmacology, nursing, biology, biochemistry, biophysics, and biomedical sciences.